Our mission is to help and teach people to use natural solutions and remedies based on essential oils with a high therapeutic grade (doTERRA). We will present you doTERRA products and how to use them safely, tested recipes, success stories and at the same time teach you what you need to do to enjoy the power of therapeutic essential oils.
But first of all... What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are volatile substances extracted from plants (roots, leaves, bark or tree stems, flowers, seeds). When we smell a rose or hold a mint leaf in our hands, we actually feel the essential oil.
In nature, essential oils are actually the plant's defense system against pests and parasites: the plant's immune system.
doTERRA essential oils are extremely concentrated and pure. Each essential oil contains up to 300 natural chemical constituents and the concentration of certain constituents gives the potency of each individual oil.
Did you know that?….
Frankincense oil from doTERRA has 3 species in its composition and for it to be truly therapeutic, the a-pinene must be found in proportion <75%?
…1 drop of peppermint essential oil has the power of 27 cups of peppermint tea?
The process of obtaining dōTERRA oils
The typical entry process of essential oils on the market
Why choose pure essential oils?
1. They are anti-infectious, antiseptic and antiviral, have cicatrizing, pain-relieving, anti-hemorrhagic, digestive properties, regulate immunity, hormones and strengthen blood vessels.
2. They are true natural antibiotics, proven effective since 1887 (Chamberland scientifically evaluated the antibiotic virtues of oregano, clove and cinnamon oils against Bacillus anthracis). In the case of antibiotics, the body gets used to their action, the dose must be increased and the effects are devastating for the body. On the contrary, pure oils, thanks to their structure with at least 200 active substances, effectively fight and defend the body, do not cause habituation and do not destroy the intestinal flora, as classic antibiotics do.
3. Oils are antiviral, so they fight effectively against viruses and, moreover, through their action they prevent infections. For example, treating the flu or cold (viral) avoids degenerating into bronchitis or sinusitis (bacterial).
4. It stops germs and a variety of bacteria, having a positive influence on the immune system. Diffusing essential oils disinfects a room in less than 10 minutes. Goodbye, germs and harmful bacteria! A study carried out in England at the University of Manchester, showed that after disinfection with essential oils no living germ remained: Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium difficile, Escheria coli, etc.
5. There are over 10,000 studies that attest to the effectiveness of essential oils. They entered medicine through the main door and continue to amaze!
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